Camomile's carrd

Cami | She/They | 23 | Aroace CupioHi and welcome to my carrd! I'm still trying to figure out how to work this thing because I'm old and frankly don't know jack shit about coding but I'm doing my best.Some silly goofy things about me:
> 23/03/2001
> Sun Aries | Moon Pisces | Rising Cancer
> ISTP 6w7
> True Neutral

Comfort characters

Characters that hold special meaning to me <3
Also these are in no particular order! Except Rengoku because he remains my #1 forever 💔


I live in the Netherlands and I study science at college currently. I live on my own in a student room and it's very scary but I'm managing somehow. My hobbies are digital art, owning 1k+ OCs, watching anime and spending way too much money on figurines. Lately I've been getting into manga collecting aswell. (basically all of my hobbies are bad for my wallet)
I'm a pretty sociable person online though I tend to get timid in big groups of strangers such as new groupchats, but don't be afraid to talk to me! I don't bite, probably.
And YES you may have noticed from my great little fav character section that I indeed do have a type and it's 'stupid himbo'. I would die for them you don't understand-If you're somehow here from MyAnimeList... I'll share a bit of my anime journey! I watched my first anime in 2014, Corpse Party, thanks to PewDiePie playing the game on his channel. This kickstarted an interest for horror anime in me, which eventually lead to me finding and watching Shiki, which I became completely, utterly obsessed with (still am). My REAL descent into the anime rabbithole started in late 2015 though, after one of my friends forced me to watch Attack on Titan.I was a casual watcher for the next few years until fall 2020, when I started actively watching seasonals! I'm also extremely stubborn and refuse to drop anything, even if I hate it. I'll force myself to sit through it no matter what.Favorite genres: horror, mystery, comedy, drama, slice of life, suspense
Favorite themes: gag humor, idols, parody, psychological, vampire, time travel


You can also find me on the following pages! In case you wanna chat, my Discord is @camomiie
I have a Toyhouse aswell but due to reasons it's private. If you really want it just message me and I'll link you!